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Genital Cutting and Transnational Sisterhood. Third-degree tears , damage and emergency are more common in infibulated women. Han vedgår samtidig at tilbakemeldingene de har fått både fra kvinner og menn er delte, men for det meste positive. And how small a part of a woman's life is that...
When traditional cutters are involved, non-sterile devices are likely to be used, including knives, razors, scissors, glass, sharpened rocks and fingernails. Infibulation was banned there in 1946, but the law was unpopular and barely enforced. In a study in northern Sudan, published in 1983, only 17.
Hard Disk Drives & Storage - Med hver ny barberhøvel prøver vi å tilfredstille behovene. The first civil suit was in 1982, and the first criminal prosecution in 1993.
The test is named after the American cartoonist The Bechdel test is a method for evaluating the portrayal of women in fiction. It asks whether a work features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man. The requirement that the two women must be named is sometimes added. About half of all films meet these requirements, according to user-edited databases and the media industry press. The test is used as an indicator for the active presence of women in films and other fiction, and to call attention to. Also known as the Bechdel—Wallace test, it is named after the American cartoonist , in whose comic strip, , the test first appeared, in 1985. Bechdel credited the idea to a friend, Liz Wallace, and to the writings of. After the test became more widely discussed in the 2000s, a number of variants and tests inspired by it have been introduced. Female and male characters in film, according to four studies In her 1929 essay , observed about the literature of her time what the Bechdel test would later highlight in more recent fiction: All these relationships between women, I thought, rapidly recalling the splendid gallery of fictitious women, are too simple. And I tried to remember any case in the course of my reading where two women are represented as friends. They are now and then mothers and daughters. But almost without exception they are shown in their relation to men. It was strange to think that all the great women of fiction were, until 's day, not only seen by the other sex, but seen only in relation to the other sex. And how small a part of a woman's life is that... In film, a study of gender portrayals in 855 of the most financially successful U. Female characters were portrayed as being involved in sex twice as often as male characters, and their proportion of scenes with explicit sexual content increased over time. Violence increased over time in male and female characters alike. According to a 2014 study by the , in 120 films made worldwide from 2010 to 2013, only 31% of named characters were female, and 23% of the films had a female protagonist or co-protagonist. In a 2016 analysis of of 2,005 commercially successful films, Hanah Anderson and Matt Daniels found that in 82% of the films, men had two of the top three speaking roles, while a woman had the most dialogue in only 22% of films. The Bechdel test A character in explains the rules that later came to be known as the Bechdel test 1985 The rules now known as the Bechdel test first appeared in 1985 in Alison Bechdel's comic strip. The other woman acknowledges that the idea is pretty strict, but good. Not finding any films that meet their requirements, they go home together. Bechdel credited the idea for the test to a friend and training partner, Liz Wallace, whose name appears in the of the strip. She later wrote that she was pretty certain that Wallace was inspired by Virginia Woolf's essay. The failure of major Hollywood productions such as 2013 to pass the test was addressed in depth in the media. Several variants of the test have been proposed—for example, that the two women must be named characters, or that there must be at least a total of 60 seconds of conversation. The test has also attracted academic interest from a computational analysis approach. In June 2018, the Bechdel test was added to the. Use in the film industry In 2013, four Swedish cinemas and the Scandinavian cable television channel incorporated the Bechdel test into some of their ratings, a move supported by the. In 2014, the European cinema fund incorporated the Bechdel test into its submission mechanism as part of an effort to collect information about gender equality in its projects. In 2018, developers began incorporating functions that allow writers to analyze their scripts for gender representation. Software with such functions includes , and the forthcoming 11. In addition to films, the Bechdel test has been applied to other media such as video games and comics. Pass and fail proportions The website bechdeltest. As of April 2015 , it listed 58% of these films as passing all three of the test's requirements, 10% as failing one, 22% as failing two, and 10% as failing all three. According to of , if passing the test were mandatory, it would have jeopardized half of the 2009 nominees. The news website , when subjecting the top-grossing films of 2013 to the Bechdel test, concluded that roughly half of them passed although some dubiously and the other half failed. Writer noted that about half of the films that do pass the test only do so because the women talk about marriage or babies. Works that fail the test include some that are mainly about or aimed at women, or which do feature prominent female characters. It's like seventh grade with bank accounts! He considered the Bechdel test just as meaningless as a test asking whether a film contained. Smith's article provoked vigorous criticism. The Bechdel test only indicates whether women are present in a work of fiction to a certain degree. A work may pass the test and still contain sexist content, and a work with prominent female characters may fail the test. A work may fail the test for reasons unrelated to gender bias, such as because its setting works against the inclusion of women e. What counts as a character or as a conversation is not defined e. In an attempt at a analysis of works as to whether they pass the test, at least one researcher, Faith Lawrence, noted that the results depend on how rigorously the test is applied. One of the questions arising from its application is whether a reference to a man at any point within a conversation that also covers other topics invalidates the entire exchange. If not, the question remains how one defines the start and end of a conversation. Where Bechdel and Wallace expressed it as simply a way to point out the rote, unthinkingly normative plotlines of mainstream film, these days passing it has somehow become synonymous with 'being feminist'. It was never meant to be a measure of feminism, but rather a cultural barometer. She also wrote that it remained to be determined how often real life passes the Bechdel test, and what the influence of fiction on that might be. The character Mako Mori played by , pictured inspired an alternative test for measuring female presence in fiction. The Bechdel test has inspired others, notably feminist and antiracist critics and fans, to formulate criteria for evaluating works of fiction, in part because of the Bechdel test's limitations. In interviews conducted by , women in the film and television industry proposed many other tests that included more women, better stories, women behind the scenes, and more diversity. Laurie Voss, of , proposed a Bechdel test for software. Press notice was attracted after the U. The Bechdel test also inspired the , a checklist to help journalists to avoid gender bias in articles about. In Savigny, Heather; Thorsen, Einar; Jackson, Daniel; Alexander, Jenny. With reference to: Smith, Stacy L. With reference to: Anderson, Hanah; Daniels, Matt. Dykes to Watch Out For. Firebrand Books October 1, 1986. Paper presented at the Narrative and Hypertext Workshop, Hypertext 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory. Seven Stories Press 1st ed.